Urgent care clinics are a perfect fit for point of care dispensing, providing your patients with the convenience and efficiency of obtaining their prescribed medication directly from your clinic.
Higher Revenue:
Implementing in-office dispensing can boost your practice's profitability, without the need for additional costs like employees and equipment.
Enhanced results:
A significant portion of prescriptions go unfilled or are not correctly followed every single day. With point of care dispensing, you can address this issue by ensuring prompt prescription fulfillment as well as direct communication with your patients about their treatment.
Increased Efficiency:
Bid farewell to pharmacist phone calls and verifications. On average, you can dispense prescriptions in under two minutes, enabling you to prioritize patient care and expand your practice.
Collaborating for Excellence:
Our trusted partner offers a wide range of competitively priced urgent care medications. As a pharmacist-owned and operated company, they always have professional pharmacists available to assist with any concerns.
Experience the advantages of point of care dispensing at our Urgent Care Center. We prioritize convenience, efficiency, improved outcomes, and profitability, ensuring a superior experience for both patients and providers. Contact us today to discover the convenience and exceptional care we offer.